First Session: Fri, Feb 21st - Sunday, Feb 23rd, 2025
Second Session: Tue, Feb 25st - Thursday, Feb 27th, 2025
Auditor tickets remaining.
@ Shining River Ranch, Louisburg, NC
Do you find yourself wondering if your horse is merely complying out of obligation (or conditioning) rather than choosing to engage with you out of desire and trust?
Have you come up against the limits of each training method you've tried, realizing none alone will "do the trick"?
The art of becoming one with your horse is a tangible reality that can be achieved through exercises that build trust, clarity and a mutual willingness to engage.
This clinic goes beyond traditional training methods, creating a space where your horse actively seeks to participate in the challenges you present.
Whether you’re just starting out with horses or a seasoned veteran, whether you are rehabbing your rescue, counter-conditioning unpleasant behaviors or preparing your equine better half for incredible trail adventures...
...Hatha Equus will support your horse and you in your unique journey towards fulfillment.
Ever felt like your horsemanship journey was more about commands than connection? You're not alone. Many skilled horse owners know their horse can physically perform, but deep down, they question if their horse chooses the partnership or just complies.
Imagine a Bond Where Your Horse Runs to You, Ready for Adventure.
Our Co-Creational Horsemanship Clinic offers you the blueprint to guilt-free horse-owning, a relaxed and empowered horse, and a peaceful togetherness that feels like a shared meditation in motion.
"Throughout the years, I've often encountered remarks like "sell him" "he's dangerous; you'll get hurt," "why would you need a horse like that?"...
Thanks to Hatha Equus, after setting our new baseline to mutual understanding, we chose to place our trust and reliance in each other.
I transformed that little horse, once distrustful of humans, into an incredible companion for adventures, a friend who feels empowered to voice his thoughts (safely!) in any situation, and now, even trail-blazing in a halter, with a small child on his back!
I learned to look beyond the surface... behind his initial rejections and aggression was merely a horse who felt overwhelmed for far too long, in need of empathy...that's how we unlocked his fullest potential!"
Equestrian, Trainer and Horsemanship Instructor
...reading your horse like an open book
...consent-based communication with your horse
...clear boundaries with no anger or force, much like a loving parent shepherding their child through understanding the ways of the world, with your horse, without a worry, both of you having the fun you didn't even think possible...together!
...deep states of relaxation...together, and starting to develop down-regulation...on cue
...owning your "initiative time" and precise requests without guilt
...building physical strength and emotional resilience to set your horse up for ridden success...collaboratively!
Equestrian, Trainer and Instructor
"Thanks to Hatha Equus, we've reached a point where Seven not only tolerates the saddle but actively seeks it out. His movements, once lackluster and uninspired, gain an entirely new dimension as soon as the challenge of carrying weight is introduced. It's nothing short of incredible, considering there was a time when getting Seven to accept any kind of tack seemed impossible.
Now, he's practically begging for the chance to prove his mettle, eager to demonstrate not just to others, but primarily to himself, the remarkable feats he's capable of.
Seven, once labeled as 'lazy, overweight, and gluttonous,' is now the driving force behind our adventures into new, uncharted, and more demanding territories.
He's not just prepared for these challenges—he relishes them".
Stalls (12’x14’) available. First come, first served.
$30/horse/stall. Grain, hay and care is owner's responsibility.
Current Coggins required to bring your horse to the property.
Contact Kelli directly to make arrangements for your horse's overnight/day needs.
[email protected] / +1(919) 675-3297
👆🏼 Allison (Asheville clinic participant)
Amazing-Horses-Rescuer, Animal Communicator and Equestrian
Hi, I'm Giorgia Ghizzoni. In my "previous life" as a professional performing artist, I have learned what co-creation means and how to embody it at a very deep level. Every day - whether I am helping a horse through their trauma, teaching them new behaviors, supporting them to expand their comfort zone, enjoying nature with them, playing with exhilarating movement games or actually playing my cello for them...I am making music with them. And it's the best feeling in the world. It's transformational. It's oneness.
After years of dedication and discovery of science, technique and soul, it is now my pleasure to help you and your horse on your journey to making art...together, collaboratively, wherever both your definitions of art might cross.
This clinic is your gateway to a relationship with your horse that most only dream of.
Whether you're an experienced rider or just starting, we welcome all disciplines and levels of experience.
Prepare to embark on a journey that will not only change how you see horsemanship but will redefine the bond between you and your horse.
(same structure for first & second session)
Friday, Feb 21st & Saturday, Feb 22nd
and then
Tuesday, Feb 25th & Wednesday, Feb 26th
8:15am: Sign in
8:45am: Horse-Free Morning Exercise involving all
9:00am-10:15am First Group
10:15am-11:30pm Second Group
11:30pm - 12:00pm Q&A
12:00pm - 1:30pm Lunch Break
1:30pm-1:45pm Horse-Free Exercise involving all
1:45pm - 2:45pm First Group
2:45pm - 3:45pm Second Group
3:45pm - 4:15pm Q&A
(same structure for Day 3 in the first & second session)
Sunday, Feb 23rd
and then
Thursday, Feb 27th
(arena sectioned off so that liberty is possible)
(open to auditors)
8:30am - 9:45am first semi-private
9:45am - 11:00am second semi-private
11:00am - 12:15am third semi-private
12:15pm - 1:45pm Lunch
1:45pm - 3:00pm last semi-private
3:05pm Q&A
Spots will be limited! - Reserve your spot early!
Frequently asked questions
Absolutely not. We are here to support YOU and YOUR HORSE in your unique journey, not to force our methods or choices onto your relationship.
With our own horses, there are certain exercises in which we've found over time that low value food rewards make the training more effective and quicker, but we'll be glad to present alternative reinforcers if you feel strongly against food rewards.
IF you do wish to try and use low value food rewards in some parts of your training - we do NOT suggest high value food rewards almost ever - then we'll be glad to introduce you to our 'Civilized Food Receiving Manners' techniques to make sure that it's a positive experience for both human and horse.
Indeed it is! We use pressure and release in our training as well, especially in the context of boundaries setting and emergency communications with our horses. Our pressure and release approach has grown to include many interesting principles borrowed from other contexts, and the Hatha Equus approach to pressure and release has proven eye opening for many students.
This said, you must know that this is not purely a pressure and release clinic. The tides of change that we bring to the equestrian communities we visit include much more than this framework, and we hope that you'll fall in love with all the other ones as well.
Positive reinforcement, Emotional Horsemanship, Natural Horsemanship, Intrinzen, Dressage, Yoga, Equine Assisted Learning, energy work, mindfulness, Active Listening Playground, creativity, humility, fun and empathy.
Oh yeah 😎 Imagine your horse in complete self carriage, lifting you up for the smoothest, supplest dressage sequence, and all you have to do is whisper a cue and enjoy the magic. Here's a photo of Elizabeth and her mustang Riggins, whom, through Co-Creational Horsemanship training, shows off his dressage moves even tackless and at liberty.
Modern Movement Science (Ecological Dynamics, Constraints Led Approach), Affective Neuroscience, Behaviorism, Stress Science, Physiology.
Co-Creational Horsemanship nurtures horses' genuine love for movement, and at some point in the journey most of them start actively and independently choosing more challenging obstacles, having realized that harder=more fun. Here's a photo of our student Marta (testimonial at the start of this page) having taken her mare to competitive jumping levels (bitless) through our approach ❤️
Anything liberty, natural dressage, husbandry made easy and fun, horse rehabilitation (physical and emotional), liberty colt starting, bridleless dressage, trailer loading, trail riding prep, yoga for horses, farrier prep, problem solving, natural horse management, gentling.
We find that Co-Creationally trained horses do great on trail rides, even if they start off as skittish and insecure. This approach:
Makes them pros at down-regulating quickly, even after big spooks.
It transforms them into strong, sure-footed athletes.
It strengthens their togetherness instinct, so they check in often and communicate plenty, instead of being deeply distracted or "in their own world".
Elizabeth: Ann Gibson, Karen Rholf, Klaus Hempfling, Lockie Phillips
Giorgia: Mustang Maddy, Kathy Sierra, various Parelli instructors, Will Rogers, Alyssa Aubrey & Gaby Fabian (Equine Assisted Learning), Lockie Phillips, Philip Himanka (master hoofcare practitioner)
4 Group Sessions (2 on Day 1 and 2 on Day 2)
1 Semi-Private Lesson with Giorgia on Day 3
6-Day Auditing of all other sessions
6-Day Q&A
Ability to participate in horse-free group training when applicable
Opportunity to participate in Pre-Clinic Meet-n-Greet Dinner for Participants with Giorgia @ Shining River Ranch
Access to the Clinic-Supporting Video Training
Post-Clinic Zoom Q&A Group Session with Giorgia
Any Day Auditing (up to 6 of course)
Any Day Q&A (up to 6 of course)
Ability to participate in horse-free group training when applicable
Opportunity to book catered lunches at Shining River Ranch
Access to the Clinic-Supporting Video Training
Post-Clinic Zoom Q&A Group Session with Giorgia
Same-Day Auditing
Same day Q&A
Ability to participate in horse-free group training when applicable
Opportunity to book catered lunches at Shining River Ranch
Access to the Clinic-Supporting Video Training
Post-Clinic Zoom Q&A Group Session with Giorgia
sign-up questions
Booking happens on a First Come First Served basis. To view our cancellation, refunds policies and more, please click here.
These 'separate' tickets might be available in case we'll still have participant spots by late December, but so far that seems unlikely. We'll keep y'all posted. In case, make sure you enroll in our newsletter to stay tuned!
Awww you're so kind to do that for them 🥹 We do ask that, in this case, that you kindly start a separate booking in their name. That is going to help us with logistics, official documents and more!
Don't worry, we'll be back soon. Circle back soon and we'll have a waitlist for you to sign up for for our next clinic in Louisburg, NC 🤗 And make sure you enroll in our newsletter to stay tuned!
Hatha Equus doesn't recognize levels. It's part of an effort to bringing horsemanship back to what your unique, personal definition of happiness with your horse is. It's not a pre-traced linear path from A to Z. If you've already clinicked with us, maybe you've even taken our online course and you feel like you have a strong grip on the Co-Creational Horsemanship foundational science, skills and soul, we are really glad for you! ...AAAAAND the best way to learn your chosen next chunk with us, for now, is still the Co-Creational Horsemanship clinics! We structure them in which we can tailor to each participant's needs and experience. Groups are small and the learning is varied and beautiful.
So long story short, enroll wherever works for you/whenever there's still room...and then make sure you talk to Hatha Equus about your training goals!
Again, the journey is unique for every human-horse pair who walks it, but we can tell you what we can help you with, in whatever order your horse and you will need/want!
Co-Creational Gentling
Co-Creational Care and Husbandry
The Riding Prep Playground (Get Your Horse Fit for Riding through Science-Backed Play!)
The Rehab Playground
Consensual Colt-Starting or Re-Starting
Consensual Riding
Artful Riding
Co-Creational Liberty
Co-Creational Dressage
Co-Creational Dressage...Unbridled!
Ethical Trailer Loading
Co-Creational Trail Riding
4 Group Sessions (2 on Day 1 and 2 on Day 2)
1 Semi-Private Lesson with Giorgia on Day 3
6-Day Auditing of all other sessions
6-Day Q&A
Ability to participate in horse-free group training when applicable
Opportunity to participate in Pre-Clinic Meet-n-Greet Dinner for Participants with Giorgia @ Shining River Ranch
Access to the Clinic-Supporting Video Training
Post-Clinic Zoom Q&A Group Session with Giorgia
Any Day Auditing (up to 6 of course)
Any Day Q&A (up to 6 of course)
Ability to participate in horse-free group training when applicable
Opportunity to book catered lunches at Shining River Ranch
Access to the Clinic-Supporting Video Training
Post-Clinic Zoom Q&A Group Session with Giorgia
Same-Day Auditing
Same day Q&A
Ability to participate in horse-free group training when applicable
Opportunity to book catered lunches at Shining River Ranch
Access to the Clinic-Supporting Video Training
Post-Clinic Zoom Q&A Group Session with Giorgia
sign-up questions
Booking happens on a First Come First Served basis. To view our cancellation, refunds policies and more, please click here.
These 'separate' tickets might be available in case we'll still have participant spots by late December, but so far that seems unlikely. We'll keep y'all posted. In case, make sure you enroll in our newsletter to stay tuned!
Awww you're so kind to do that for them 🥹 We do ask that, in this case, that you kindly start a separate booking in their name. That is going to help us with logistics, official documents and more!
Don't worry, we'll be back soon. Circle back soon and we'll have a waitlist for you to sign up for for our next clinic in Louisburg, NC 🤗 And make sure you enroll in our newsletter to stay tuned!
Hatha Equus doesn't recognize levels. It's part of an effort to bringing horsemanship back to what your unique, personal definition of happiness with your horse is. It's not a pre-traced linear path from A to Z. If you've already clinicked with us, maybe you've even taken our online course and you feel like you have a strong grip on the Co-Creational Horsemanship foundational science, skills and soul, we are really glad for you! ...AAAAAND the best way to learn your chosen next chunk with us, for now, is still the Co-Creational Horsemanship clinics! We structure them in which we can tailor to each participant's needs and experience. Groups are small and the learning is varied and beautiful.
So long story short, enroll wherever works for you/whenever there's still room...and then make sure you talk to Hatha Equus about your training goals!
Again, the journey is unique for every human-horse pair who walks it, but we can tell you what we can help you with, in whatever order your horse and you will need/want!
Co-Creational Gentling
Co-Creational Care and Husbandry
The Riding Prep Playground (Get Your Horse Fit for Riding through Science-Backed Play!)
The Rehab Playground
Consensual Colt-Starting or Re-Starting
Consensual Riding
Artful Riding
Co-Creational Liberty
Co-Creational Dressage
Co-Creational Dressage...Unbridled!
Ethical Trailer Loading
Co-Creational Trail Riding
Yep. Not interested.
As you enroll, you are going to receive our Pre-Clinic Exercises Online Course, to get you started.
And after the clinic you'll get to ask us your questions on a group zoom call!
PLUS, participants and auditors get a discount on our online course (which includes video trainings and 9 zoom calls with us!), if they wish to keep journeying with us!
Here's a few reasons why participants and auditors tend to feel free to talk to us and ask us their questions - even the loaded or controversial ones!! - "without feeling stupid, like in most other clinics" (⬅️ quoting a recent clinic participant):
Horse-First work of any kind is much harder when it happens in a vacuum. And - since horse-first individuals are still the minority in most equestrian contexts - it unfortunately often does.
At Hatha Equus clinics, humans usually find each other and weave together a Supportive, Like-Minded Network.
We facilitate human-to-human exercises that involve participants AND auditors, so that everyone can feel how it feels in their own body.
Most of the time, everyone spontaneously has lunch together and engages in absolutely beautiful conversations.
Most of the time, everyone adds everyone else on Fb at the end of the clinic, and then they visit each other and stay connected 🥹
PLUS guys, to be honest, Kelli and all the humans at Shining River Ranch might as well explode with kindness, care and we secretly believe them Hogwarts-Graduates because how else could meals and hospitality be full of love to the extent that they made them?!? 🤷🏼♀️