Hey, horse-loving humans working towards saddle starting/re-starting or rehabbing their equine significant other!
Hey, horse-loving humans working towards saddle starting/re-starting/rehabbing their equine significant other!
Learn to assess if your horse is truly fit to be ridden - and if not, how to get them there
Transform your horse into a badass & self-motivated weight-lifting athlete
Add to your horse's long term spine health and longevity
Discover play-based workouts that will make your horse feel stronger, more agile, mobile and stable, even if they are not medically cleared to carry the weight of a rider
Make it seriously fun, joyful & profound for your horse and you at every step of the way
Join a horse-welfare-oriented worldwide community, where science meets soul
'In just two weeks, he corrected his inversion 😍'
"Pablo learned fast and in just two weeks, he corrected his inversion and he's now listening to small cues 😍 -- I'm so proud of him!"
👆 a screenshot from an in-course assignment video submitted by Amelia, after two weeks of learning and implementing The Rehab and Riding Prep Playground curriculum with Pablo 😍
Can You Relate to Any of the Following?
You found lots of education around the
psychology of how to help your horse accept tack, stand still at the mounting block, learn that right means right and left means left...
...but you are left with the question:
is my horse physically ready to carry me?
Most of the 'correct biomechanics'-oriented courses will have you teach healthy postures from horse-back.
But doesn’t it make more sense to teach them how to lift weights safely before adding weight to their back?
You have a horse so that you can smile, laugh, feel profound feelings and enjoy nature with them.
Schooling them meticulously in an arena for hours and hours (and hours) on end with a whip in your hands is just not your thing.
Even the kindest approach you found to training your horse for riding leaves you wondering:
does my horse actually enjoy this?
You adopted your horse with the expectation of riding them. You've since realized they have loooots of physical deteriorations and compensations (too many? 😬) and you're conflicted in considering retiring them from riding.
You wish to rebuild their strength AND find an answer.
Watch Marigold's Transformation after 8 Weeks of Playground Workouts with Hatha Equus's Students:
What if...
...you could learn about weight-lifting biomechanics without compromising on your horsemanship ethics?
...you could design riding-oriented workouts at liberty, on the ground, with no whip, bit, spur, nose band, and steering away from the 'make the right solution the least uncomfortable' approach?
...you could embrace a non-linear, creative process where your horse's (and your!) learning is maximized without having to read 146 tomes and attend 985 hours of online course to make sure you don't miss important details?
...the condition to riding-prepping your horse work was Fun, Play, Pleasant, Consensual, Long Term, Health & Soundness Focused for your horse?
...you could build your horse's strength back, despite the tissue damage they co-exist with, and without perpetuating the trauma that they've known in their previous life?
Yes, You Can!
Yes, you can prep your horse for riding joy without ethical compromises.
Yes, you can laugh hard...together! Skip the gym and engage in fun-for-both, transformative play-based workouts instead.
Yes, you can feel competent in assessing horse-fitness even if you don't have decades of experience or expensive degrees (but always consult a vet!!).
Yes, you can get rid of the guilt associated with 'making your horse do things through annoying-at-best methods, SO THAT they can be fit and strong & joyful weight-lifters.
Yes, your horse can get to enjoy weight-lifting to such extent that they are intrinsically motivated to give it their all!
Can You Relate to Any of the Following?
You found lots of education around the
psychology of how to help your horse accept tack, stand still at the mounting block, learn that right means right and left means left...
...but you are left with the question:
is my horse physically ready to carry me?
Most of the 'correct biomechanics'-oriented courses will have you teach healthy postures from horse-back.
But doesn’t it make more sense to teach them how to lift weights safely before adding weight to their back?
This Course Is for You If...
You have a horse so that you can smile, laugh, feel profound feelings and enjoy nature with them.
Schooling them meticulously in an arena for hours and hours (and hours) on end with a whip in your hands is just not your thing.
Even the kindest approach you found to training your horse for riding leaves you wondering:
does my horse actually enjoy this?
You adopted your horse with the expectation of riding them. You've since realized they have loooots of physical deteriorations and compensations (too many? 😬) and you're conflicted in considering retiring them from riding.
You wish to rebuild their strength AND find an answer.
This Course Is for You If...
This Course Is for You If...
In This Course You Will...
Learn to assess if your horse is truly fit to be ridden - and if not, how to get them there
Transform your horse into a badass & self-motivated weight-lifting athlete
Add to your horse's long term spine health and longevity
Discover play-based workouts that will make your horse feel stronger, more agile, mobile and stable, even if they are not medically cleared to carry the weight of a rider
Make it seriously fun, joyful & profound for your horse and you at every step of the way
Join a horse-welfare-oriented worldwide community, where science meets soul
👆 a screenshot from an in-course assignment video submitted by Amelia, after two weeks of learning and implementing The Rehab and Riding Prep Playground curriculum with Pablo 😍
'In just two weeks, he corrected his inversion'
"Pablo learned fast and in just two weeks, he corrected his inversion and he's now listening to small cues 😍 -- I'm so proud of him!"
Here's Marigold's Transformation after 8 Weeks of Riding Prep Playground with Hatha Equus's Students
(still a work in progress of course but significant improvement has been made 🤗)
Watch Marigold's Transformation after 8 Weeks of Playground Workouts with Hatha Equus's Students:
(still a work in progress of course but significant improvement has been made 🤗)
This Course Is for You If...
Goodbye Tedious Micro-Managing & Dogmatic Schooling.
Hello Rehab & Riding Prep Playground!
Join us for a 9-week program to become your horse's main Science-Backed-Play Coach, towards an intrinsically motivated, joyful, guilt-free riding journey!
What You'll Learn
The most modern peer-reviewed science and how it's revolutionized Exercise Physiology for athletes (biped and quadruped)
Unmistakeable horses' riding-fitness assessment tools
Fun, science-backed & play-based techniques to boost your horse's stability, cardio, agility, mobility, coordination & strength
A positive, joyful mindset to enjoy the process and avoid falling in the "are we there yet?" trap
Our student's horse Asmar before and after implementing our Rehab & Riding Prep Playground approach
This is a well tested, solid curriculum shaped in to an early-version online program.
We are running it at a lower price for the earlier groups, who are going to help us shape it with their feedback (as per our co-creational brand 🤪).
9 Weeks Course
This is a 9 week course, delivered over 10 weeks (the week in the middle is for assimilation)
starting the moment you enroll. During that time you'll have access to 9 Zoom Calls with Hatha Equus 🐴
$349 $249 (discounted for the holidays! Plus remember, we are still adding useful videos as we hear is needed from your feedback!)
Online Materials
The curriculum unfolds through pre-recorded videos (lectures, 'how-to's, demos, case studies).
More Rehab & Riding Prep Playground videos will keep being added to the curriculum, as participants help us understand what they need to learn at their best through this program.
Participants will have forever access to the online materials.
Weekly Zoom Calls
You are going to have access to 9 weekly 90 min calls with Hatha Equus. They start the week after your enrollment.
This is where you ask your unique questions and show your own training videos for analysis and feedback.
Calls are on Wednesdays at 12:30pm (Mountain Time).
Even if you can't attend, you can still submit your questions and access the recording as soon as we upload it 🤗
This is a well tested, solid curriculum shaped in to an early-version online program.
We are running it at a lower price for the earlier groups, who are going to help us shape it with their feedback (as per our co-creational brand 🤪).
9 Weeks Long
This is a 9 week course, delivered over 10 weeks (the week in the middle is for assimilation) starting the moment you enroll. During that time you'll have access to 9 Zoom Calls with Hatha Equus 🐴
$349 $249 (discounted for the holidays
! Plus remember, we are still adding useful videos as we hear is needed from your feedback!)
Online Materials
Part of the learning will take place through pre-recorded videos (science, 'how-to's, demos). The Riding Prep Playground videos will keep being added to the curriculum during and after the official 8 weeks, and participants will have forever access to them.
Weekly Zoom Calls
Starting from the week after your enrollment, you are going to have access to 9 weekly 90 min calls with Hatha Equus.
This is where you ask your unique questions and show your own training videos for analysis and feedback.
The are on Wednesdays at 12:30pm (Mountain Time).
...Plus these Exclusive Bonuses...
Bonus ONE
Access to the Co-Creational Horsemanship Foundational Library
This library is later going to evolve into its own course.
Bonus TWO
The zoom sessions will be recorded and made available to participants, PLUS they'll be later utilized as learning materials for other students.
*Includes lifetime access to this offer for one low payment of $349 $274 today
...Plus these Exclusive Bonuses...
Bonus ONE
Access to Online Library
Bonus TWO
All the sessions will be recorded and made available to participants, PLUS they'll be later utilized as learning materials for other students.
*Includes lifetime access to this offer for one low payment of $349 $249 today
Watch our students Kari & Arwen's touching success 'rehab-for-riding-fitness' story here ⬇️
Watch our students Kari & Arwen's touching success 'rehab-for-riding-fitness' story here ➡️
Attainable by Every Horse
My journey began with a realization: despite their incredible athleticism, the top dressage horses I worked with seemed distant, their eyes expressing "having given up". This spurred me on a quest to bridge the worlds of competitive dressage and ethical horsemanship, ensuring that horses could be both athletic AND happy alongside their humans. I'm here to share this approach with you, demonstrating that natural dressage isn't just for the elite; it's a joyful, healthful practice attainable by every horse, promising a future where every ride is a shared adventure in happiness and health.
Elizabeth Riecks, Hatha Equus Founder
Giorgia Ghizzoni,
Equine Consent Specialist and
Super-Athlete Coach
She Challenged Every Standard Approach I Knew
Facing my mustang's downhill build and deep-seated insecurity forced me to question and move beyond standard training approaches. Her imbalance and tension threatened to dismantle my vision of riding as a peaceful, meditative practice. Each session was a test of wills against her jitteriness and attempts to flee. I had to think outside the box at every turn. From this journey, I've honed playful and joyful strategies that have not only transformed my experiences in the saddle, but can also revolutionize yours. Let's embark on a path that turns riding challenges into opportunities for connection and joy!
How Is This Different from What I Know Already?
Well it certainly depends on your equestrian education, but here's a few case scenarios:
Modern Science Tells Us That...
🧪 The recipe for 'sneaking movement under the radar' is:
Autonomy(the individual can say 'No!', and they are aware that they can)
Self-organization(the individual gets to organize their body parts with no outside suggestion)
Intrinsic motivation(the individual sees an authentic and valid reason to perform the movement, other than a treat, a promise of peace, or pleasing another)
No threat(the individual knows that there is no threat of pain or discomfort involved in the activity)
...But Most of the Equestrian World Has Been Missing a Few Pieces
Watch this video to discover how most approaches - even the kindest ones! - to training your horse towards carrying human weights are each missing one or more key elements from the list (i.e. AUTONOMY, SELF-ORGANIZATION, INTRINSIC MOTIVATION, NO THREAT)
*Includes lifetime access to this offer for one low payment of $349 $274 today
"Oh my gosh, we just had the coolest success!
She was SO game!
And it just continued on much longer than it has before.
Last year when I started target training through pure R+, I thought: "Oh, she will never trot, there’s not enough motivation".
Now she’s pulling out all of her best dragon tricks, cantering, collecting, even trying to stomp the target midair. We had to pump the brakes a few times, which is actually a great thing for her.
My heart is full".
Our student Paula's journal entry after a few weeks of practice with the course material.
👆🏼 Allison (Asheville clinic participant)
Amazing-Horses-Rescuer, Animal Communicator and Equestrian
The Riding Prep Playground...Unveiled!
Week 0
Movement and Conformation Assessment
Own the necessary skills to assess your horse's level of healthy movement, and their muscular development as necessary for human-weight-carrying.
Week 1
The Science
Embrace the movement science revolution that's swept the entire human sports industry away in the last 15 years, and learn to think like an informed, creative and effective cutting edge personal trainer (for your horse).
Week 2
Balance, Stability & Proprioception
The first two science-backed play-based workouts to practice in the arena with your horse, focusing on balance, stability and proprioception!
Week 3
Cardio & Agility
Pre-Flight Check Safety Behaviors, plus two fun games to play with your horse in order to activate their cardio, agility...and likely, some amazing elements of collection!
Spoiler alert: this module is going to get you in shape, too 😂
Week 4
Prepare for some fun, passionate, committed range-of-motion-expanding games that will turn your horse into a mobile weight-carrying, engaged and motivated athlete.
Week 5
Add to your horse's repertoire a series of highly coordinated movements that will enable full body stretches, hind-end engagement and necessary bends for weight-lifting and weight-carrying!
Week 6
Discover and practice more fun, play-based activities to increase your horse's dynamic strength, alongside their sense of self-efficacy and capability of carrying weights in a way that adds to their health and soundness!
Week 7
Nature Fitness
Learn to get your horse fit for riding...with Nature's collaboration! Nature is the best trainer in the world...IF we know how to embrace her power WITH our horse!
Week 8
'Graduation' Assessment
Our series of workouts has come to an end. This is the Module in which we make sure that YOU have gathered the knowledge, the mindset, the skills and the soul to keep fitness-journeying with your horse in a fun, unintrusive, kind and long-lasting way...until they are officially fit for guilt-free riding (which you will have learned to establish!)
👆 a screenshot from an in-course assignment video submitted by Beth, after 5 weeks of learning and implementing The Rehab and Riding Prep Playground curriculum 😍
'The fact that this horse trotted or cantered so willingly on his own is huge'
"I am so excited to see how 'target bonding' is going to help open up new movement possibilities in this horse. This is only our third session using a target. The fact that this horse trotted or cantered so willingly on his own is huge. Thank you Giorgia and Elizabeth for all the helpful tidbits that apply to helping my future sessions. We are going to have so much fun going forward!"
*Includes lifetime access to this offer for one low payment of $349 $274 today
👆 a screenshot from an in-course assignment video submitted by Beth, after 5 weeks of learning and implementing The Rehab and Riding Prep Playground curriculum 😍
'The fact that this horse trotted or cantered so willingly on his own is huge'
"I am so excited to see how 'target bonding' is going to help open up new movement possibilities in this horse. This is only our third session using a target. The fact that this horse trotted or cantered so willingly on his own is huge. Thank you Giorgia and Elizabeth for all the helpful tidbits that apply to helping my future sessions. We are going to have so much fun going forward!"
Frequently asked questions
We totally understand that you'd like to make the absolute most out of your attendance, and gosh, we'd certainly like to see your face week in and week out!
But we also understand that you're a busy human and life gets in the way, so here's a few things to consider, so that you don't feel turned down in case you have to miss a couple sessions:
Please know that you can still send in your videos and your questions, and we will review them in the call for you to watch later
Know that the calls are recorded and you'll have access to them as soon as they are uploaded on the portal (we'll be as quick as we can!)
9 weeks is simply the time-frame we chose to roll the contents out and to offer our initial support to you through the curriculum. It does NOT have to be the timeframe in which you implement it with your horse. Horsemanship is non-linear, and life has the tendency to get in the way
We ARE going to be available for support AFTER the 9 weeks. In fact, you'll get the chance to purchase a package (which we're keeping affordable) that grants you access to the same weekly zoom calls that you've been attending during the course 🙏🏻
Absolutely NOT.
We are here to support YOU and YOUR HORSE in your unique journey, not to force our methods or choices onto your relationship.
With our own horses, there are certain exercises in which we've found over time that low value food rewards make the training quicker and more effective , but we'll be glad to present alternative reinforcers if you feel strongly against food rewards.
IF you do wish to try and use low value food rewards in some parts of your training - we do NOT suggest high value food rewards almost ever - then we'll be glad to introduce you to our 'Civilized Food Receiving Manners' techniques to make sure that it's a positive experience for both human and horse.
Indeed it is! We use pressure and release in our training as well, especially in the context of boundaries setting and emergency communication with our horses. Our pressure and release approach has grown to include many interesting principles borrowed from other contexts, and the Hatha Equus approach to pressure and release has proven eye opening for many students.
This said, you must know that this is not a pressure and release course. The tides of change that we bring to the equestrian world include much more than the pressure&release, and we hope that you'll fall in love with all the other framework as well 🤗
YES! At our home-ranch in Colorado we have a weekly class that we call 'The Riding Prep, Conditioning and Rehab Playground', whose syllabus is exactly the one that you're going to learn in this course. It is attended by humans whose horses are being started under saddle, re-started under saddle, and/or rehabbed from injuries or trauma. While some are later going to move on to conditioning for riding cues, tack and more, the others will hopefully meet their rehab goals and maintain the fitness through our curriculum!
We just shortened the title for the online course, that's all 🤷🏼♀️
Think about it this way: this course is going to give you the tools to get your horse more mobile, stable, agile and strong (...and to have serious fun TOGETHER while journeying along).
Aren't those all rehab goals, regardless whether you'll end up riding your horse or not? 💡🤗
There's no 'next round' - as in, during the holidays we are going to let folks enroll whenever they wish, and the 9-weeks-zoom-support clock will start the week after enrollment 🙏🏻
Absolutely yes! Just click here: https://hathaequusinternational.com/riding-prep-installments-checkout
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
You're fully protected by our 100% guarantee. If you're in any way unhappy with this program, we'll personally reimburse your investment, no questions asked.
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