Take your next step to a seamless guilt-free riding experience:

Dive Deeper Into Our Transformative Techniques! ⬇️





Learn why your horse is hollow and how to recognize when he's not

Discover how to get started with technique 2 & 3 with a horse from hands-on case studies.

Problems Solved!

Discover how our nuanced approach addresses your deepest riding challenges.


Our client's horse Thunder at the start of a Chase the Dragon session during a Hatha Equus clinic:

poor forehand reach

no shoulder activation

hollow back

virtually no hind-end engagement

over-activated brachiocephalicus

forward head stretch

pole way above the whithers.


Our client's horse Thunder at the end of a Chase the Dragon session during a Hatha Equus clinic:

forehand abduction

shoulder activation

lifted back

much deeper hind-end engagement

arched neck with upper neck muscles activation

head almost on the vertical

pole more in line with lumbar and whithers

Does Any of This Sound Familiar?

Your horse, being as hollow as he is...you are going to need more techniques to get him to lift his topline!

His gaits are so jerky and jackhammery that you're literally afraid you'll fall and hurt yourself. And bareback is out of the question. You are ready to do the hippiest thing to try to change the situation.

You've managed to put all of the "usual advice" together and miraculously achieve a temporary "fake" topline lift...that collapses as soon as any of your constant, complex aids comes off...this is VERY frustrating. You need to know more.

Your horse has feelings about the longeline. You'll need to go about this from a different angle, because there's no way he'll relax at the other end of a rope.

It's not your fault. The equestrian world is filled with outdated, one-size-fits-all teachings that ignore the nuanced communication between horse and rider (and frankly...they ignore science, too 🤷🏼‍♀️🧐). Chance is that if you're here, your horse is burned out on them.

Our journey mirrors yours—from confronting the limits of conventional wisdom to discovering a fun, science-backed approach that not only solves our problems, but also truly resonates with our equine partners.

Problems Solved!

Discover how our nuanced approach addresses your deepest riding challenges.


Our client's horse Thunder at the start of a Chase the Dragon session during a Hatha Equus clinic:

poor forehand reach

no shoulder activation

hollow back

virtually no hind-end engagement

over-activated brachiocephalicus

forward head stretch

pole way above the whithers.


Our client's horse Thunder at the end of a Chase the Dragon session during a Hatha Equus clinic:

forehand abduction

shoulder activation

lifted back

much deeper hind-end engagement

arched neck with upper neck muscles activation

head almost on the vertical

pole more in line with lumbar and whithers

Does Any of This Sound Familiar?

Your horse, being as hollow as he is...you are going to need more techniques to get him to lift his topline!

His gaits are so jerky and jackhammery that you're literally afraid you'll fall and hurt yourself. And bareback is out of the question. You are ready to do the hippiest thing to try to change the situation.

You've managed to put all of the "usual advice" together and miraculously achieve a temporary "fake" topline lift...that collapses as soon as any of your constant, complex aids comes off...this is VERY frustrating. You need to know more.

Your horse has feelings about the longeline. You'll need to go about this from a different angle, because there's no way he'll relax at the other end of a rope.

It's not your fault. The equestrian world is filled with outdated, one-size-fits-all teachings that ignore the nuanced communication between horse and rider (and frankly...they ignore science, too 🤷🏼‍♀️🧐). Chance is that if you're here, your horse is burned out on them.

Our journey mirrors yours—from confronting the limits of conventional wisdom to discovering a fun, science-backed approach that not only solves our problems, but also truly resonates with our equine partners.

Yes, You Can!

Yes, you can prep your horse for riding joy without ethical compromises.

Yes, you can turn the equine wet soap bar under you into a balanced champ...without the usual Tug-of-War.

It's time to shake off the guilt of not being a perfect rider; teach your horse to consider your overzealous seat as a fun athletic challenges.

Yes, you can dare to expect smooth rides ahead. You and your horse will finally be moving together!

Peek into the "stop-on-a-dime club", where your horse might be actually considering to stop when you ask, not 6 stiff steps later.



Our student's horse Royal before and after training with our topline engagement techniques

Goodbye Inversion and Tension,

Hello Balance and Joy

Introducing The Collaborative Topline Engagement Approach:

A comprehensive system that bridges biomechanics with horse psychology and new movement science for a happy human-weight-lifter and their guilt-free rider.

What You'll Learn

The most common causes of an inverted topline

How is it supposed to look like?

The most common topline-lifting myths, busted

Hands-on demonstrations and troubleshooting of technique #2 (Crunches)

Hands-on demonstrations and troubleshooting of technique #3 (Chase the Dragon)

Thanks to Hatha Equus, he's not just prepared for these challenges—he relishes them!

"Thanks to Hatha Equus, we've reached a point where Seven not only tolerates the saddle but actively seeks it out. His movements, once lackluster and uninspired, gain an entirely new dimension as soon as the challenge of carrying weight is introduced. It's nothing short of incredible, considering there was a time when getting Seven to accept any kind of tack seemed impossible.

Now, he's practically begging for the chance to prove his mettle, eager to demonstrate not just to others, but primarily to himself, the remarkable feats he's capable of.

Seven once labeled as 'lazy, overweight, and gluttonous,' is now the driving force behind our adventures into new, uncharted, and more demanding territories.He's not just prepared for these challenges—he relishes them".

Bianca — Equestrian , Trainer and Instructor

Topline Engagement...Unveiled!

Module 1


Learn to recognize the signs of a relaxed and lifted topline, and its implications on the horse's physiological health and ability to lift weights (human or not).

Module 2


Deepen your understanding of the two main dysfunctions that can bring about - or be brought about by - inversion, and how they affect the horse's body and riding biomechanics.

Module 3


The most common false (and limiting!) beliefs on how to lift a horse's topline...proved wrong!

Heads up - be prepared for a giggle. Or two.

Module 4


Enter the backstage of our second topline-lifting technique: crunches. See it in action with an unedited demo of Hatha Equus training a horse who has never done it before.

Module 5

Chase the Dragon

Experience our third topline-lifting technique from the perspective of a horse who is learning it for the first time. In this unedited training session, you will discover:

  • the first steps to teaching it,

  • dos and dont's

  • a few troubleshooting strategies.

Module 6


It's likely that you are here because you have riding goals with your horse. So, how long should you do these exercises before your horse is physically ready to be started/re-started under saddle? Find the answers in this module.

*Includes lifetime access to this offer for one

low payment of $74 $47 today

Unlock Exclusive Bonuses When You Join the Mini-Course!

Bonus ONE

Comprehensive Mini-Course Companion Guide

Enhance your learning experience with a downloadable PDF that encapsulates the webinar's content. This valuable resource allows you to revisit the transformative techniques and insights at your pace, ensuring you fully grasp and apply the principles of collaborative topline engagement.

Bonus TWO

Zoom Q&A with Hatha Equus!

Join a group Q&A session where you can ask us anything - from tackling tricky trots to Giorgia’s secret home-made nutella recipe.


Giorgia's Secret Keto Nutella Recipe

We got you 😂 No I mean, the recipe does exist and we're more than happy to share it, but this was just a joke, in typical Hatha Equus Hakuna Matata style. I guess we could say that the third bonus is...high probability of lots of giggles throughout the process? 🤷🏼‍♀️🕺🏻


*Includes lifetime access to this offer for one

low payment of $74 $47 today

Attainable by Every Horse

My journey began with a realization: despite their incredible athleticism, the top dressage horses I worked with seemed distant, their eyes expressing "having given up". This spurred me on a quest to bridge the worlds of competitive dressage and ethical horsemanship, ensuring that horses could be both athletic AND happy alongside their humans. I'm here to share this approach with you, demonstrating that natural dressage isn't just for the elite; it's a joyful, healthful practice attainable by every horse, promising a future where every ride is a shared adventure in happiness and health.

Elizabeth Riecks, Hatha Equus Founder

Giorgia Ghizzoni,

Equine Consent Specialist and

Super-Athlete Coach

She Challenged Every Standard Approach I Knew

Facing my mustang's downhill build and deep-seated insecurity forced me to question and move beyond standard training approaches. Her imbalance and tension threatened to dismantle my vision of riding as a peaceful, meditative practice. Each session was a test of wills against her jitteriness and attempts to flee. I had to think outside the box at every turn. From this journey, I've honed playful and joyful strategies that have not only transformed my experiences in the saddle, but can also revolutionize yours. Let's embark on a path that turns riding challenges into opportunities for connection and joy!



Our client's horse Double before and after training with our topline engagement techniques

*Includes lifetime access to this offer for one

low payment of $74 $47 today

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You're fully protected by our 100% guarantee. If you're in any way unhappy with this program, I'll personally reimburse your investment, no questions asked.

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