This is where you book your
10069n N65th St
Longmont, CO 80503
If you have been personally invited to this class by Elizabeth or Giorgia, as a boarder, as a graduate of the Beginner Horsemanship Program or as a "Sneak Peeks" auditor, please skip the rest of this text and procede to booking below ⬇️⬇️⬇️ 🤗
If you are new to us, please know that this is a "learn to train your horse" class, where we share with you Consensual Riding tools, and where we support your horse and you through implementing them.
If you are thinking of hauling your horse in for the first time and you haven't seen Hatha Equus at work before, please circle back here after attending a few sneak peeks first, as an auditor. There, you can connect with Elizabeth and/or Giorgia to make sure that this is the best class for you to start from!
Remember that it's only possible to sign up to a class UP TO 24h before the class starts.
You can always review our booking and cancelation policy here 🤗